Walking by the Spirit : Digital Download

Walking By the Spirit PowerPoint Cover Graphic copy.jpg
Walking By the Spirit PowerPoint Cover Graphic copy.jpg

Walking by the Spirit : Digital Download


Begin to walk in a new way when you walk by the spirit. Every day we face the battle of the mind, will, and emotions. Open up to what the Holy Spirit has to say every day and minute by minute. Receive the revelation of separating the soul and the spirit and begin to align with what the Holy Spirit is calling you to do. We must make the choice to be led by The Holy Spirit and command our mind, will, and emotions to line up with what The Holy Spirit is saying. 


                      Teaching in this series includes:

  • Wisdom and Revelation lay the foundation to walking by The Spirit. 
  • If you want to be profitable, then love wisdom as much as you love revelation. 
  • Prophesying with impact. 
  • How to prioritize walking by The Spirit. 
  • Encountering God
  • Learn to trust God and yourself. 
  • Step into new levels of Faith and Holy Spirit demonstration power!
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